
2018-06-01 10:00:10 作者:文质彬彬的流氓

What are the female genitalia examinati?

Vulvar examination

Normal vulva, pubic hair with tip down, triangular distribution, labia majora pigmentation, labia minora reddish, perineal site without ulcers, dermatitis, vegetation and hypopigmentation, clitoral length <2.5cm, urethral mucosa around the pale pink, no defects biological. Married women have old cracks in the hymen. Old ones are found in the hymen and the perineum, or the perineum may have nicks. Sometimes when necessary, the doctor will ask the patient to hold his breath and watch for bulging of the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, prolapse of the uterus, or incontinence of the urine.

Vaginal examination

Vaginal mucous membrane of the vaginal wall is pale, with folds, congenital malformati without ulcers, vegetation, cysts, vaginal septum, and double vagina. Normal vaginal secreti are egg white or white paste, no stench, and less, but increased during ovulation and gestation. If there is any abnormality, the patient will experience the corresponding clinical symptoms, namely, local itching, burning sensation, etc. The doctor will record in detail and test it.

Cervical examination

Peripheral bulges around the normal cervix with holes in the middle. The non-maternity is round, and the maternal woman has a "one" shape, quality and tough, red meat, and a smooth surface. If the test is normal, it means that light, quality, no itching, etc. If an abnormality is found, the degree of erosion (light, medium, or none), the degree of cervical hypertrophy, and the size and position of the nematodes will be described in detail.

Uterus and accessory examination

Normal uterus is inverted pear-shaped, long 7 ~ 8cm, width 4 ~ 5cm, thickness 2 ~ 3cm, most were forward anteversion, medium hardness, good activity. The ovaries and fallopian tubes are collectively referred to as "accessories." The normal ovary can be expanded to a size of 3x2x1cm3, which can be active and touched with a slight soreness. Normal fallopian tubes cannot be touched. If the "middle" or "posterior" uterus, if clinically no obvious symptoms, there is no serious problem.

What are the preparati for female genital examination?

1. Before the medical examination, make a record of the situation you would like to cult a doctor and the doctor may ask, including past medical records, menstrual cycles of the past 3 months, problems with menstrual periods, problems in sexual life, past pregnancy, etc. .

2, within 24 hours before the inspection, you can clean the vulva, but do not wash the vagina, even if the vaginal secreti increase, there is odor. Because water can easily flush out the bacteria that cause disease, it affects doctors to make a correct diagnosis.

3, frankly communicate with doctors. If it is difficult to say how secretive it is to have multiple aborti, you may wish to use a method of asking for a friend. Do not hide.

4, do pelvic examination, if there is urine, do not be embarrassed, we must first go to the bathroom. Otherwise, bladder filling will directly affect the effect of the examination.

5. When doing a vaginal speculum examination, the doctor will insert a lubricated duckbill-shaped vaginal speculum into your vagina and then open it, spreading the wall of the vagina that is usually attached together to observe your vagina and The cervix has no visible lesi. Breathe deeply when inserted and relax as much as possible. The more you are stressed, the more likely you are to feel pain and affect the effectiveness of your examination.

6. Don't forget to check your Pap smear regularly. Some hospitals do not include this item in the gynecological examination and can explain to the doctor in advance. For example, once a year, the Pap smear is completely normal for three cecutive times and can be checked once every two years with the cent of the doctor.

《看不懂的,看的懂得都來看》by 文质彬彬的流氓


@吾丶丶:什么是女性生殖器检查 ? waiyin检查正常waiyin , 耻骨有尖下 , 三角形分布 , yinchun唇色素沉着 , yinchun唇红 , huiyin无溃疡 , 皮炎 , 植被和色素缺失 , 长度 2 . 5cm , 尿道粘膜周围苍白的粉红色, 没有缺陷的生物。已婚妇女在chunvmo中有陈旧的裂痕。旧的是在chunvmo和会发现的 , 或者会可能有裂口。有时, 医生会要求病人屏住呼吸, 观察yindao前、后壁肿胀、子宫下垂或尿失禁。 yindao检查yindao粘膜的yindao壁苍白, 有褶皱, 先天性 malformati 无溃疡, 植被, 囊肿, yindao隔膜, 和双yindao。正常的yindao secreti 是蛋清或白色糊状物, 无臭味, 较少, 但在排卵和妊娠期间增加。如果有任何异常, 患者会遇到相应的临床症状, 即局部瘙痒、烧灼感等。医生将详细记录和测试它。 宫颈检查周围突起的正常宫颈周围有孔中间。非孕产妇是圆的, 并且产妇有 一 形状, 质量和坚韧, 红色肉和光滑的表面。如果测试是正常的, 它意味着光, 质量, 没有痒, 等等。如果发现异常, 将详细描述糜烂程度 (轻、中、无)、宫颈肥大程度以及线虫的大小和位置。 子宫及副检查正常子宫呈倒置梨状, 长 7 ~ 8cm, 宽 4 ~ 5cm, 厚度 2 ~ 3cm, 最前颈前倾角, 中等硬度, 活动良好。卵巢和输卵管统称为 附件。正常的卵巢可以扩大到3x2x1cm3 的大小, 这可以是活跃的, 并触及轻微的疼痛。正常输卵管不能接触。如果 中 或 后 子宫, 如果临床上没有明显的症状, 就没有严重的问题。 女性生殖器检查的准备 是什么? 1. 体检前, 要记录下你想要的情况 (哔 ~~) 原棉医生和医生可能会问, 包括过去的病历, 过去3月的月经周期, 月经期的问题, 性生活中的问题, 过去怀孕等。 2、检查前24小时内, 可以清洁waiyin, 但不洗yindao, 即使yindao secreti 增加, 也有异味。因为水可以很容易地冲洗出导致疾病的细菌, 所以它会影响医生做出正确的诊断。 3、坦率地与医生沟通。如果很难说有多 aborti (哔 ~~) 是多么的隐秘, 你可能希望用一种方法来寻求朋友。不要躲藏。 4、做盆腔检查, 如果有尿, 不要尴尬, 我们必须先去卫生间。否则, 膀胱充盈会直接影响检查的效果。 5. 在做yindao镜检查时, 医生会在yindao内插入一个润滑的鸭嘴兽状yindao镜, 然后打开它, 将通常连接在一起的yindao壁涂在一起观察你的yindao, 宫颈没有可见 lesi 。尽可能多地插入和放松, 深呼吸。压力越大, 你就越有可能感到疼痛, 影响考试的有效性。 6. 不要忘记定期检查你的 Pap 涂片。有些医院在妇科检查中不包括这个项目, 可以提前向医生解释。例如, 一年一次, Pap 涂片是完全正常的三 c ecutive 时间, 可以每两年检查一次与 c 医生。


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